Thursday, January 12, 2012

Street Fighter: The Movie my thoughts

Street Fighter: The Movie
I had the misfortune or delight of watching Street Fighter, and not the terrible one from the 2000s, but the terrible one from the 90s.  I’m still torn choosing which SF movie is the worst of the two. 
The movie is bad and down right silly.  I hated this movie when I was younger, but now I just pity it. 
~Guile: One of the worst aspects of the movie has to be Jean-Claude Van Damme because his acting throughout is wooden and terrible.  And, that pep speech is laughable at best.  When was Guile the main star of the SF series? 
~ Did you know there was an added post credit scene to the movie? That was probably one of the cooler things in the movie.  I guess they really thought the movie was going to be a huge hit.  It did make some money, but I think the bashing it received from critics and audience stopped that sequel.  I do know that JCVD tried to make a sequel back in the early 2000s. 
~The script is probably the weakest thing about the movie. 
~  Ken and Ryu:  What did they do to these two characters?  I always thought these two characters were the true main characters in the SF story.  In this movie, they’re comedic characters with questionable morals. 
~Evil Lightening?:  Yes, Bison gains flying powers and shoots lightening from his fingers. 
~ Raul Julia:  He isn’t that bad, but a little over the top.  Why is he flying around at the end again?  I know he does it in the game, but it looks stupid. 
~ Kylie Minogue is terrible as Cammy and thankfully underused.  She does look good in the outfit. 
With the other SF movie, something tells me they need to stop making these movies based on this series. 

 Yes, this is how the movie ended.

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