Sunday, January 08, 2012

Papa John's employee gets a little uncreative with a racial slur

Papa John's employee gets a little racial 
Better ingredients, better racists? I don't remember buying a topping of racism on my Meat Lover's Pizza.
I do like the founder of Papa John's, because he's a big time bicyclist. And, I've encountered his Papa John's Bicycle team while I was riding around Louisville. But, one of his employees from New York got a little creative with their receipt name.
Minhee Cho came back from Papa John's and noticed the name on her receipt. From the Huff Post, ((In it, under the customer's name section, the restaurant employee who rang up the order used the racial slur "lady chinky eyes" to describe her. ))
You can't buy that type of racist...actually you can. Did the employee not think someone would catch that? It comes across as mean more than anything else. I'd hate to see what has been left on my receipt (Loser, Forever Alone, Big A-hole).
Cho then proceeded to post it on the “Evil” Twitter. That was when it caught fire. That happened 11 hours ago.
The store manger sort of made it worst with her half response. From the Huff Post (("I apologize," she said in a phone interview. "I'm sure they didn't mean any harm but some people will take it offensive." She added that she "had an idea of who it was," based on the time of the receipt. ))
Uh, using a racial slur pretty much means you wanted to harm her by belittling her.
Papa John's did respond to the incident five hour ago on their FB page. ((We were extremely concerned to learn of the receipt issue in New York. This act goes against our company values, and we've confirmed with the franchisee that this matter was addressed immediately and that the employee is being terminated. We are truly sorry for this customer's experience. ))
I put the blame directly on the employee. In the age of Twitter and Cell Phones, you can't get away with these dumbass things today. The employee did get fired, so it all ends well. Except, if I were Cho, I'd ask for those peppers that they put in your pizza box for free for life.


  1. I always wonder if anyone has ever hooked up by typing "beautiful woman" or whatever on one of those things.

  2. I believe someone has tried it. And, probably got themselves fired.

    If a counter girl put that on my paper. I'd be probably talk to her. (Not if she put Beautiful Girl, but good looking guy.

  3. They couldn't just put "red shirt" or "blue skirt" or something instead?

    Just goes to show you that racists are idiotic, thinking they can get away with something like that.

  4. With all this instant technology you really can't get away with that nonsense. I think the "Cute Girl" would actually work for some people like MC stated.

    But a simple "guy in Superman Shirt" will work as well.
