Sunday, January 01, 2012

Hall Pass

 Hall Pass
Well, it isn’t the worst comedy in the world, but there is something missing.  This R-rated movie feels like it is trying hard to be edgy.  The Farrelly brothers haven’t really grown since the 90s, and it shows in this comedy. 
Basically, two married men are going through a mid-life crisis.  So, their wives give them a week “Hall Pass” to be with any women they want to.  We get to watch them try to get laid.  And, that’s pretty much the movie in a nutshell. 
Plain and simple, Hall Pass is not that funny.  Some scenes go nowhere, while other scenes are purely there for shock value.  There are a few laughs here and there, but I was left a little disappointed. 
-Owen Wilson looks very old in this movie and slightly out of shape.  Maybe, he did that for the movie, but it is troubling because he was very fit a few years ago. 
-Christina Applegate looks very good, but is one of the worst characters in the film.  She does something that I wasn’t a fan of.  But, I will give the writers credit for letting them turn her into a bad person. 
-There is male and female nudity.  If anything else, there is an “extended” shot of male nudity that would make even Ray-J do a double take.  I guess it was supposed to be funny seeing Wilson’s reaction to it, but it didn’t really work.
-A woman shits all over a bathroom wall.  Yes, she sneezes and spatters shit all over the wall and bathtub.  I was more confused than anything else, because very little is mentioned of it after the scene.  Did he clean up the mess or let her shower?  None of this is answered.  I know it was thrown in for shock value, and it is like a rip-off of the 40 Year Old Virgin scene where a woman pukes on the main character. 
Hall Pass is a missed opportunity that have dug deep into what women and men want in a marriage using humor to soften the blow.  However, we get an uneven movie that feels like it has been through some re-shoots and re-writes. It is a movie that feels like it was ripped straight from the 90s.  Everything is dated in this movie. 
Bobby & Peter Farrelly, I know you can do better than this. 
Grade: D+
 Cop:  "We arrested him because he looks like that guy from the Hangover"
 This is the cast’s reaction to reading the script. 


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