Friday, January 27, 2012

Ferris Bueller sequel, an ad?

Inspector Gadget IV? I hope not.  
Ferris Bueller sequel, an ad?
This could be a tie in with some viral marketing event with the old movie. But, what does this mean? Well, I looked through Reddit and discovered a link to a story about this short clip. It seems to be a promotional thing connected to a bigger Super Bowl ad.
However, there are discussions about a possible sequel to Ferris Bueller (not to be confused with the lame TV show).
From the Daily Mail, ((This suggests that all will be revealed during this year's Super Bowl, which takes place on February 5 and could be that Broderick has decided to step into Bueller's shoes once again.
Read more:
As I have written before, I love Ferris Bueller's Day Off. I remember when my mother rented the movie back in the day and I watched it.
I liked the complex relationships and the notion of cheering on a character that cuts school and is sort of a jerk to his friends. And, that's the thing about the original movie, Ferris is a bit of a user when it comes to his friends. Plus, there is a strange threesome thing going on with Ferris, Cameron and Sloane. It isn't fully explored, but it is certainly there. I could see Cameron and Sloane getting together.
And, keep in mind that this hasn't been the first time a sequel has been talked about. Back when John Hughes was still alive, there was talk of a follow up movie. From the wiki page, ((Broderick and Hughes stayed in touch for a while after production. "We thought about a sequel to Ferris Bueller, where he'd be in college or at his first job, and the same kind of things would happen again. But neither of us found a very exciting hook to that. The movie is about a singular time in your life."[24] "Ferris Bueller is about the week before you leave school, it's about the end of school—in some way, it doesn't have a sequel. It's a little moment and it's a lightning flash in your life. I mean, you could try to repeat it in college or something but it's a time that you don't keep. So that's partly why I think we couldn't think of another," Broderick added. ))
Then again, this could just be for an ad for a product, and I am fine with that. I would just love to see Broderick reprise the role, because he's been known for some real stinkers.
Oh, did I mention what a huge crush I had on Mia Sara? And, she looks pretty good for her age now.
And, keep Godzilla and his wife Sarah Jessica Parker out of the promotion or the movie.

For poops and giggles, check out Yello's “Oh Yeah” music video that was made famous from the movie.
What the hell was that?


  1. THIS is why I watch the Superbowl, and go to the bathroom during the game play time.

    Wouldn't want to miss out on fabulous commercials! I hope they do a longer Ferris-memed ad.

  2. I love Ferris Bueller's day off. It's one of my favorite movies of all time. It automatically takes me back to my younger years :)

  3. Sarah: That's the only reason I would watch the Superbowl. I am totally disinterested in the game.
    It looks like it will be a Honda ad or a series of ads.

    Peter: I am the same way. It is in the top of 20 movies for sure. The darker elements in the movie also work and make you wonder if you want to cheer the main character on.

  4. Wanna see what it is?

  5. I loved it. I got a big laugh out of the boss in the other car beside him.
