Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Did Murray shred the script to Ghostbusters III? I hope so.

Did Murray shred the script to Ghostbusters III? I hope so.
There is a story going around that the huge hold out to GB3, Bill Murray, didn't like the script. The rumor goes that he hated the script so much that he shredded it and sent back.
From the National Enquirer, ((Then, after they sent him the latest reworked screenplay weeks ago, Murray fired back his shocking answer – nailing the coffin shut forever – by sending Dan and Harold a box containing the new script SHREDDED into confetti, along with this nasty note: “No one wants to pay money to see fat, old men chasing ghosts!” ))
I love the little note he supposedly left on the box.  While this action does fit with Murray’s past reactions to the script and concept of GB3, I’m not sure he’d go that far with it. 
However, he did diss GB2 before it was released.  Plus, Murray is in a different place in his career.  He’s into quirky movies that fit his quirky humor.  GB3 wouldn’t fit in with that vibe now. 
He is right that a bunch of out of shape guys running around isn’t as appealing anymore.  Plus, many of the younger moviegoers have never seen Ghostbusters or even the cartoon show.   I don’t think there is an audience for the movie anymore.  Plus, the creative team isn’t as creative anymore. 
Dan Ackroyd agreed to make Blues Brothers 2000, and that was a total mess.  I think he needs to stick to selling Crystal Skull Vodka and talking about UFOs.  Harold Ramis was responsible for Year One.  The less said about the movie the better. 
So, Murray has a point, but Murray did do two Garfield movies. 
Allegedly, Ackroyd and Ramis were pissed about receiving the script. 
I think the 09 GB video game will be seen as a better sequel than the third movie anyway.    

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