Friday, December 16, 2011

Space Jam Website (since 96/97?) (Can it still fly?)

 Space Jam Website (since 96/97?)
Did you know that the old Space Jam movie website is still up and running?  While poking around, I came across a mention of the damn SJ site still running as if the 90s are still around.  And, this story passed me by, and everyone in the blog sphere has already talked about it.  But, I wanted to add my two cents to it. 
Back in the day, most promotional sites looked exactly like this. It is a little piece of 90s fluff for us to marvel and make fun of.
For a 90’s website, it is pretty extensive with the various.  The Behind Jam notes are an interesting read.  They mention Disney and Who Framed Roger Rabbit in their story.  I find this interesting given the fact Disney and WB were and are long time rivals.
A lot of work went into the site to a sup-par movie, but today it just looks so cute and tiny. I guess someone at WB just said, “screw it”, even after the DVD was released for this movie.
~If you click on the Warner Brothers store link, it actually links to an up to date WB site. So someone as at least worked on the site since 96-97.
~I love the press junket page where it says, (No Spacejam news at the moment! Go back to the Space Jam home page to see more of the site! )
Yeah, I will probably be waiting a long time to see something pop up.  

 Patrick Ewing has really hit a wall lately

Bill Murray:  “Look, this is a bad movie, but I actually will be in something far worst movie called Garfield.”
Michael Jordan:  “How do you know this, Bill?”
Bill Murray:  “A crazy old man in a flying time machine took me to the future.  And, Michael, we need to talk about your marriage.”  

Michael:  “There’s nothing wrong with my marriage.”
Bill:  “For now…” 

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