Thursday, December 08, 2011

Rick Perry's ad is sweet

Rick Perry somehow has become an Internet Meme within one day.  How did this happen? 
It happened because of this “award winning” online spot.   
Wow, and I thought Herman Cain’s ads were amusingly horrific.  When Newt the Flute is beating you, I guess you have to go for your voting base, your lowest base. 
The best part about this stupid ad that doesn’t make sense is the reaction from the Internet.  Right now the video is at  likes, 266,546 dislikes.  I haven’t seen that much red since visiting a slaughter house (I’m joking). 
-I love the bad music playing in the background.
-He’s wearing a brand new “workers” manly coat.  You usually see either rappers or blue collar guys wearing these coats. 
-Rick Perry Strong?  Does that mean changing your position every five seconds to? 
-Why is he attacking Obama when he should be focusing in on his Republican rivals?
-How do you connect gays in the military with celebrating Christmas?  That’s a steep connection, Perry. 
As I mentioned before, the video is so off-putting that it makes it epically funny.  It has gotten so popular that the video now has its own post on “Know Your Meme”.  Also, check out the other site where people create pictures
And, please tell me we aren’t starting this stupid “War on Christmas” again.  Now, let me go and put up my Holiday Tree ®. 


  1. Ack! I see red anytime someone talks about how wrong it is that we don't say the pledge of allegiance in school, etc etc, like in this video.

    Why can't people realize that nothing is threatening your religious freedoms? If you want your kids to say the Pledge of Allegiance in school or be able to pray each morning along with the rest of their students, send your kids to a private Christian school! But in public school, you can't make everyone follow one specific religion because not everyone in America follows that religion!!

    Sorry for the rant, Constitutional rights and the way the conservatives harp on this "War on Religion" stuff makes me so angry.

    The only "regligious heritage" America has is the fact that we have freedom of religion. Sure, the majority of Americans may be Christian, but we ARE NOT a Christian nation in our Constitution.

  2. Agreed. I think Perry knows that Newt is kicking his ass and feels like he needs to dig into his base with "faith" because that's the only way he can win over Newt at this point.

    I call it fear baiting. You either throw out gay, race or religion o get people behind you.

    For me, i could care less if someone is openly gay in the military


  4. Oh, man, that is great. This pretty much sums up everything about evoking the name of God and Jesus.

    This is great

    Thanks for the link, MC

  5. And I love this too:

  6. I wish more people would read that, esp the middle part.
