Sunday, December 04, 2011

Herman Cain is a Pokémon fan: He didn't catch them all.

Herman Cain is a Pokémon fan?

Okay, the guy is still a bit of a creeper when it comes to all this stuff, but I love the fact that he quoted Pokémon.  It is a total badass move to use Pokémon in your speech.   
If I ever run for office, I will make Star Trek and Star Wars quotes.  “That’s no moon.”  “Storage compartments, storage compartments?”
It does seem like an odd thing for Cain to say, but this is Herman Cain we’re talking about here.  


  1. You have to check out the first segment of tonight's the Daily Show online tomorrow... they got into this.

  2. If you do end up in politics make sure you use the code words "It's a trap!" to let the public know when your political peers are trying to pull a fast one on us!

  3. MC: I'll have to check it out tomorrow. I heard he tried to make it seem like it wasn't from Pokemon for a while. He should admit he's a pokemon fanboy

    Sarah: Lol I will also use "How Can They Be Jamming Us If They Don't Know We're Coming?"
