Sunday, December 11, 2011

F’ the Noid

F’ the Noid
Along with that little Taco Bell dog, this advertising character was really annoying to say the least.  For some reason, the Noid enjoyed ruining pizza.  However, he would always meet his match with Domino’s Pizzas. 
I never knew if he was a bunny or a mutant with long ears.  He seemed to be a cheaper version of the Hamburglar.  He even got his own video game!  It was called “Yo! Noid” for the NES.  They didn’t even bother making a new game for The Noid.  Capcom merely made some minor changes to an already existing game from Japan.  Think: “Shaq-Fu”.
On the flip side, Domino’s Pizza discounted this annoying little turd because a guy named Kenneth Lamar Noid took the ads to heart and took a local Domino’s location hostage.  He thought the company was making fun of him. 
From the Noid wiki page, ((On January 30, 1989, Kenneth Lamar Noid, a mentally ill customer who thought the ads were a personal attack on him, held two employees of an Atlanta, Georgia, Domino's restauranthostage for over five hours. After forcing them to make him a pizza and making demands for $100,000, getaway transportation, and a copy of The Widow's Son, Noid surrendered to the police.[5] After the incident had ended, police Chief Reed Miller offered a memorable assessment to reporters: "He's paranoid."[6] Noid was charged with kidnapping, aggravated assault,extortion, and possession of a firearm during a crime. He was found not guilty by reason of insanity.))
Talk about viral marketing.  All joking aside, this is truly a strange story.  What’s next Ronald A. Donald gets upset with McDonald’s and set fire to the restaurant?
And, asking the people you took hostage is a ballsy move.  You can learn some interesting facts and stories about Mr. Ken Noid in and on the comment section of this blog

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