Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Dean College attack...with shoes. My five cents

This is the reason why we’re our own worst enemies
Being a black guy, I can say this.  This is the reason our race can’t get ahead.  It is people acting like this that hold us all back.  These are supposed to be college students and yet they’re acting like they’re in the hood. 
How are you going to knock someone down and take their shoes on the freaking campus?  You can’t act like “hood rats” when someone has given you the chance to better yourself in college.  This pisses me off more than anything else right now. 
You are in college, be grateful.  Stop acting like a stereotype.  This will in turn hurt all black people that are trying to do well in their lives. 
Supposedly, the fight was over some shoes.  The guy knocking out the other dude wanted his limited edition Nikes back.  Yes, they were fighting over shoes.  Enough.  Some are saying the victim owned those shoes. 
And, thank you for showing you all’s ignorance by gesturing for the camera for the school and police to identify you.  These students were expelled.  I’m all for protecting what you have with force, when you someone is stealing your stuff in the act.  When you don’t have proof, it gets a little gray. 
 Think before you make an ass of yourself.  That’s all I am saying.  


  1. I think you have a definite point, and I think it applies to all of humanity. For every person working hard to better their situation and taking accountability for their own actions, there's another who blames everyone but themselves and who take no action to better themselves or their situation.

    I grew up in a rural community which was predominately white, and sadly, the people living in the trailer park etc. only perpetuated the stereotypes of trailer trash. Most of my graduating class stayed in town, doing the same thing their parents did, going nowhere and not improving upon the past at all. Those that didn't got the hell out immediately after graduation and never came back.

  2. I just wish people would see how they are portrayed in these videos and it makes them just look so bad.

    They fall into the trap that people place them in (that Stereotype) by acting the way people perceive them

  3. Sadly, if those guys were to watch the video again, they'd never see their stupidity, only how they whomped his ass. I don't know how you shake people up enough to get them to see reality.

  4. Yep, couldn't agree more.

    Update on the story. the guy that got beat up actually did own those shoes that were ripped from his feet.

  5. What a pack of losers. I feel so badly that this had to be a college experience the young man had to have.

  6. Yeah, no one goes to college to get harassed by a pack of thugs. It is a real shame.

  7. There is no kind of excuse for this kind of behavior it sickens me. And the fact that the idiots standing around either filming or laughing makes it even worse. How can you stand and watch someone get beat up like that?

  8. agreed, I am shocked no one helped him up.
