Monday, December 26, 2011

8 Heads in a Duffel Bag

8 Heads in a Duffel Bag
What in the hell were they thinking?
I re-watched this stupid movie again on HBO for no reason other than I was bored. I would like to see the pitch-meeting. “You see there is this mob guy that loses a duffel bag full of heads, and it turns out to be funny.”
Plus, it is kind of sad seeing David Spade trying to save every scene with riffing. It just comes across as needing.
~I guess I was supposed to laugh when Joe Pesci threw a old woman over a cliff. I didn't laugh.
~Wouldn't the heads start to really go bad at this point?
~The only funny thing about the movie is the creepy scene where the heads from the bag begin to sing a version of “Sandman”.
Yes, it makes no since with the rest of the film, but it is just strange.
~The movie only earned 4 million.
~A few years after this, Pesci started a rap/singing career and retired from acting. I'm not making this up.
Like Pesci's singing, avoid this movie.  

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