Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Kim Kardashian Divorce, Damn those Cardassians

Kim Kardashian Divorce
Well, we knew it wasn’t going to last, right?  I'm sure her soon to be ex is relieved to be away from her. Evil side of me loves the fact these reality star couples don't last long.
I like the Herman Cain smiling joke from the video above.  I don’t think even Kim believed that her marriage was going to last.  When the marriage is about Kim and only Kim, there’s going to be a problem.  Then, there was the overblown reality show marriage where she made around 18 million on the stupid wedding. 
While being married 72 days isn’t a record, it should give her a runner-up badge. 
Drew Barrymore/Jeremy Thomas: 19 days

Ali Landry and Mario Lopez: Two Weeks:  TTTWWWOOOO WEEEEKKSS.  It usually takes someone two weeks to quit a job in that time.  I guess the marriage wasn’t “saved by the bell”.  

Dennis Rodman and Carmen Electra: 9 Days:  I am sure it was a wonderful and loving 9 days.  I think his acting career lasted longer. 

Britney Spears and Jason Alexander: 55 hours:  Give me more. More, more, more.



  1. hee-hee, thanks. Every time I see the name Kardashian, I think of Cardassians.

  2. Now I will be too! If I were more artistic, I would create a Kim/Cardassian mashup pic.

  3. someone already did it!

  4. Those are great. Shoulda known somewhere there would be one
