Sunday, November 06, 2011

Facebook: People, stop shocking

Facebook: People, stop shocking
Anti-Abortion Friend on Facebook: I have a friend on Facebook that is very Christian. Heck most of her posts are about Jesus and God. I don't have a problem with the Christian posts, heck she's smart and cute girl. But, I think she stepped over her bounties this time by posting what appears to be a dead baby with the words “End Abortion Now” in a public feed.
I didn't need to see that.
We get it, people feel passionately abortion. But, to post (probably fake) picture of a bloody baby to make your point to your FB friends is a bit wrong. That won't convince people either way, it merely shocks in the same manner as those Saw films. I feel the same way about the people on the left that post pictures of hurt animals to make a point on Facebook.
I decided not leave a comment on her FB page, but I hope someone at least “messages” her.
Please, have political/social discussions on FB, but can we stop with the cruel shock and awe pictures to make a point?
I am neither pro or anti-Abortion. I am pro-adoption. Give the kid to someone that wants a baby.   

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