Wednesday, November 09, 2011

DS9: A Time to Stand, some thoughts

DS9: A Time to Stand
What a great DS9 episode. 

-It was a great opening with a beaten Alliance fleet of broken down ships.  It is a good contrast to the episode “A Call to Arms”.  The Dominion War is taking a major toll on the Klingons and the Federation. 
-We also see that the occupation of DS9 won’t be solved in one episode, but through an arc of episodes from the beginning of the season. 
-Barry Jenner is great as the new Admiral Ross.  Ross would become an important high ranking officer for the remaining seasons.  Ross shows that he has a heart over the seasons.  

-The Dominion communication headgear is a neat idea.  Having a viewscreen in your head sounds like a neat idea to me. I believe there will be something like this in the near future.  The i-head? 
This season on Keeping up with the Cardassians:  Damar tells Dukat that he is in love with Dukat’s daughter Ziyal.

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