Saturday, November 26, 2011

Best library moment ever...cell phones

Best library moment ever
This just happened a few minutes ago
Some a-hole decided to talk loudly in the library without a care in the world.  Another, person in the library did the loud, “Shhhhhhhhh-Shhhhhhhhhhh.”
The Cell Phone Guy ignored him and continued to talk loudly. 
“Be quiet,” The concerned guy said.
“Hold on a minute,” Cell Phone Guy said to the person on the phone.  He raised his voice even louder to the concerned guy.  “Man, I’m on the telephone!”
That was when I chuckled.  This guy must have the biggest balls in the world that he doesn’t care that there are other people in the library.  He thinks it is all right to talk on the cell phone in the library. 
The concerned guy mumbled, “Unbelievable.”
There does seem to be this total disregard for other people when it comes to cell phones.  People will check their phones in the theaters and let them ring with their Justin ‘Beaver’ ring tones as if we all want to hear it.  Look, I didn’t pay you 12 bucks to hear you talk about your worthless life at home, so why would I want to hear it in a theater? 
It is the same way with libraries too.  Your call may be important to you, but not the rest of the world.  I shouldn’t be entitled to listen to your conversation.  I also like that anger that boils up when someone confronts them.  
“I’m on the telephone!” 
Please, shut the f’ up for all of humanity.

Please stop


  1. Exactly! Keep your voice down when on the city bus, if you want to be helped at the counter get off your phone, and if you need to take a call in a place like a movie or library, LEAVE! That simple.

  2. That's what I do. I quickly dash for the door and take the call outside...even in the cold. I don't want anyone listening to my calls anyway.

    I really hate the shock people have after being confronted with news they're being rude.
