Monday, October 24, 2011

Random Thoughts

 Random Thoughts
~This sums up everything about grown Halloween Parties. Yes, I am the one a-hole that doesn't dress as anything at the party. I refused to dress up in anything but “the creepy loner dude that doesn't like Halloween” guy.
~The Thing Analysis: Was Childs a Thing? I personally think he was at the end. He behaves differently toward the end of the film. It is noted that MacReady is ready to torch Childs right before the ending of the film. That gives a whole new meaning to ending, and I'm not sure I like that. Make sure to check out the maker of this video through his YouTube channel. He's got some amazing videos there. Make sure to watch his Shinning video and or a hidden thing in the Shinning movie (?).
~Is the Charlie Sheen craze over?: I guess the whole crazy Sheen thing is over with. I still can't believe some people actually paid money to see him live on stage across the country. And, why is he shopping around a TV version of Anger Management? This was a guy that was getting paid a lot of money and now he's taking the droppings of an Adam Sandler movie. He grew tiring after that live failed web cam show.
~Netflix failing faster than Blockbuster?: I thought this was amusing, because I am a member of Netflix. I was a loyal member of Blockbuster for a long time. Heck, I rented so many movies from Blockbuster that I became a Gold Member. After some major changes to their service, I left for greener ...redder pastures. Now, I am seeing the same problems surfacing on Netflix.    

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