Saturday, October 01, 2011

ICP Diss of Eminem : Will The Real Slim Shady Shut The F’ Up

ICP Diss of Eminem :  Will The Real Slim Shady Shut The F’ Up

Okay, I am not a huge fan of the fan base of, but there are a few songs I like from ICP.  I had no idea this song existed.   I’m aware that that Eminem and ICP had a feud.  And, this song was byproduct of that feud.  I remember ICP talking about a flyer with a diss on it saying, “Oh, and ICP might be there too.”  It was an interview on Howard Stern I believe. 
My only problem with the song is the poorly produced sound for the female rapper in the song.  Is it Emily Ellis or Christina Aguilera?  I know that Christina had a beef with him back in the day.  


  1. They had a few songs that were disses to Eminem. Check out their song "Please dont hate me" (i think thats the name) made me laugh.

  2. thanks for the heads up. I'll try to give them a listen.

  3. i was just like you, always knew they had some beef but never heard that song. going to check out the others like your commentor suggested

  4. Me too. There is a a lot of history between these two.
