Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Murses: Man Purses (kill it with fire?)

Murses: Man Purses
From the urban dictionary, Murse: ((a man-purse. very fashion-forward right now, seen on many hipster guys. the line between a messenger bag and murse is very fluid - typically a murse is a bit smaller than a traditional messenger, and may have a slightly more stylized look to it. a murse can also be used to carry a laptop computer - one of the reasons it is so popular right now.))
In a world where men are now wearing skinny jeans and buggy-eyed glasses, I guess the man purse isn’t that far from off the beaten path.  I’m starting to see more and more guys with the male purses walking around as if there is nothing wrong with it.  I find the notion of designer male purses to be disturbing to say the least. 
Remember that annoying nerd dude that I’ve talked about over the months at school?  Well, he carries around a murse and a very feminine one too.  I nearly laugh because he carries like a purse, which is just wrong. 
Look, I am all for having something to carry around all your stupid smart phones, I-Pads and laptops, but can we at least carry it something that doesn’t look like it carries makeup and perfume? 
Back in the day, it was perceived that holding your wife’s purse was considered un-manly.  Now, men can’t wait to get their own murses.  What is the world coming to?
And, yes I know that even the badass Indiana Jones had one, but it looked cool because it didn’t have those flowery designs on them.  There is a big difference.  Your shoulder bag should look like it is carrying those stones from Temple of Doom and not your wife’s makeup kit.  Besides, Jones is wearing a satchel, damn it.
 I think the fanny pack morphed into the murse. 
For me, I go with the manly backpack.  You will probably see me with that on than anything else.  I’m not totally against murses, just the ones that look extremely feminine.  We can’t let this thing go no further like the skinny jeans.  Can I get a witness?   
 Even the hip-hop people are fine with it.  WTF?  
 It almost seems fitting for him.
Oh, no.  Iron Man has a murse!  Next you're going to tell me Bruce Wayne will have one.  Please no.  

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