Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Horrible Job

Horrible Job:  On the Adam Carolla show, they talked about their horrible jobs.  It is true that a terrible boss plays a huge factor in how you feel about your job, but your co-workers are also a factor. 
Back when I worked in a grocery store in the produce department, I was at my lowest point in my life.  There really wasn’t any room for advancement or anything else.  You were stuck doing that job for the rest of your life if you went full-time.  I worked as a part time worker.  I never saw a group of soul-crushing miserable people like my co-workers. 
Everyone stabbed each other in the backs. 
The worst of the bunch were the salad bar ladies.  They went after each other were just mean.  They were older married ladies that hated being there and hated each other even more.  But, they hated new hires and took great pride in making the young woman quit. 
Looking back at all that, I am glad that I left that place and didn’t become a full time employee. 

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