Sunday, September 11, 2011

Bucky Larson not born to be a star?

Wow, this looks bad. It seems to be based on the porn industry, but it feels like a direct to video film. While only 18 critics have seen the movie, Bucky Larson has the prideful distinction of being 0% on Rotten Tomatoes. Way to go, Bucky!
Also did I mention this was a Adam Sandler joint? I remember watching some random clips and realizing this was produced by Sandler because all of his friends were in starring roles. I think there is a story to be told about a kid growing up and realizing that his parents were Porn Stars, but this apparently isn't it.
Here's the thing, it really doesn't matter what critics have to say about a Sandler joint, if his movies make money. The movie opened this weekend and didn't even crack the top ten...ouch. It opened 15th below the Smurfs with a $1,450,000. And, the movie did cost 10 million to make...double ouch.  

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