Sunday, August 28, 2011

Twilight: Eclipse

Twilight: Eclipse
Eclipse isn’t a bad vampire film.  It is not prefect, but it is certainly light years ahead of the first film, but carries over some of themes from the second film.
Okay, I am shocked about that statement.
Eclipse seems to want to do more than entertain the teenage girls with its shirtless guys and bland writing.  There is an excellent action sequence involving the Cullen Clan and Werewolves fighting an army of young vampires.  This action scene is the true reason to sit through all the pining over the rather dull Kristen Stewart between Jacob and Edward. 
The sequence also shows that both the Cullens and the Werewolves are extremely well trained fighters.  Watching the good vampires work along side the Werewolves was a rare treat indeed.  I also got a kick out of seeing the evil vampire die in a rather break-necking manner.  The director keeps the pacing between the two battles well timed and suspenseful, and it was something missing from the first film and partly there for the second film. 
Kristen Stewart isn’t as bad as she was in the last two films, but that’s not saying much.  She still has this blank stare and dull voice.  Her character still does nothing but stand around while the entire story transpires around her.  She is simply plain and boring.  Her character is still too passive to carry the story along.  This is the central problem with this character.  Everything surrounds Bella, but she is useless to the story progression.   
Director David Slade does what he can with the weak script.  Slade almost makes the relationship between Edward and Jacob interesting.  The death scenes are pretty brutal, especially one involving the Volturi dealing with a vampire.
Eclipse isn’t a good vampire movie or a good movie period.  However, it is the most entertaining out of the series so far.  The direction is much better than last two films, but the writing and dialogue is still terrible.  Just watch it for the somewhat intense action in the third act. 
Grade: C

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