Friday, August 12, 2011

Star Trek TNG: Justice

 Star Trek TNG: Justice
Oh, shut up, Wesley.
Just from the poor writing and bad character develop you can tell this is a season one TNG episode. It was when Gene Roddenberry was in full control of the series. And, many of his flaws started to show up throughout the season. “Justice” is a prime example of these problems.
As I am older now and have an understanding of writing and story structure, I can see the major flaws with the episode. One of the biggest problems with the story is that there are at least three different stories mashed together. This is problem with many of GR's scripts. What does a free love society have to do with the Space Gods?
-GR had seemed to always view women as sex objects and this episode is no different.
-The Edo God (gods) always looked like wind-chimes in space to me.
-Tasha Yar: She seems to have a lot of scenes in this episode. She seems a bit flustered when she meets one of the leaders of the planet. I find that funny because she plays a very sexual role in 48hrs.
-What kind of ball game are they playing with Crusher? Is it the same one that Tommy from The Room played all throughout the movie?
-“I’m with Starfleet. We don’t lie,” says Wesley Crusher. Sure, tell that to Captain Kirk or Sisko. That has to be the worst line ever.
-“When in Rome,” Riker says to Worf. Worf says, “When in where, sir?” Why wouldn’t Worf know about the Romans? He lived on Earth and Human colonies most of his life. I guess the writers hadn’t narrowed down Worf’s origins yet.
-The girl giving the massage has a listing on IMDB as “Massage Girl”.
-Picard comes across a little too preachy when he encounters the Edo people. It is almost like he's talking to children. The Edo people are very passive aggressive in the scene too.   
 Wind Chimes in space...
 Best line from Worf: "Nice planet."

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