Monday, August 22, 2011

Lindsay Lohan Vs. Pitbull: She is suing Pitbull over one line of lyrics

Lindsay Lohan Vs. Pitbull:  She is suing Pitbull over one line of lyrics

Because she is unemployable, Lindsay decided to make some extra cash by suing Pitbull over some lyrics. Geez, she is almost as bad with legal threats as the Scientology folks.
So, what are the offending lyrics? 
((Hustlers move aside, so I'm tiptoein', to keep flowin' I got it locked up like Lindsay Lohan.))
Yep, pretty harmless right? 
From TMZ, ((Lindsay is pissed, claiming in her lawsuit ... "the lyrics, by virtue of its wide appeal, condemnation, excoriation, disparaging or defamatory statements by the defendantsabout the plaintiff are destined to do irreparable harm to the plaintiff."))
How can it be defamatory when Lindsay actually ended up in jail? Or is this a way to grab more money in the same way as she did with the E-Trade folks?
Lindsay, as a representative of humanity, I want to tell you to pack up your chips and go away for a while.
Did I mention that even directors are coming out and saying they don't want to work with her? Steven Soderbergh had this to say about Lindsay. (( "He didn't want to deal with all that.Nobody wanted to go there." ))


  1. I have to agree that this seems like a ploy to earn money rather than possibly going to school & learning another trade since she ruined her current career.

  2. She did the same exact thing with the E-Trade folks and settled out of court for some cash. And, it is the same lawyer. Plus, the songs been out for a while now and has racked up some cash so she can now sue.

    She really needs to spend some time in treatment and go back to school like you said.
