Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Hover Hands II: Still not touching...

Hover Hands II: Still not touching...
It seems my hover hands post is still very popular. So, I decided to play around with some more pictured of nerds at conventions and other places where Hot Chicks and Nerds/Geeks converge. They are certainly like oil and water. Check out more photos from Here and Here to get the full non-touching experience.   

 If you don't touch the mermaid before sundown, she will turn into a pumpkin or glass slipper or something. A glass pumpkin? So I've heard.
 Mc-Loving? With a name like Mc-Loving, you would think he'd be counter-hover hands.
 Hey, Mickey you're so fine, you're so fine you won't touch me. Hey, Mickey.
 That expression on his mug: I wish was at home playing WOW instead of standing near this attractive chick. Only geeks would be pissed off that they're near a chick. Forever Alone...
 This time have to agree with uni-brow. They are clearly radioactive as indicated by their bikini tops. (Radioactive symbol)
 Wearing a big clown tie doesn't cover up your really tight shirt, dude. I am actually scared for the woman, because he looks hungry. (I am a big guy and I can say that.)

Hey, Hipster, just because they are not wearing skinny jeans and horned-rimed glasses mean you have to diss them.  


  1. I'm gonna have to send you a pic of the ultimate hover hands...but it's a naughty version that I didn't realize was happening until after I saw the pic!
