Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt broke?

Please tell me this is really true. Actually, I was just thinking that I hadn't heard much from those two media whores in a long time. Wasn't there supposed to be a reality show spinoff involving Heidi? And, what about the “amazing” singing career.
Check out this terrible song “Higher”
How did you like that song? Oh, boy.
And, think that song is bad, check out this one...
Yep, she spent around 2 million on her music and videos, yet it looks and sounds more like 10 dollars.
There are only a few other people that receive the same hatred that these two receive and Octomom and Khloe Kardashian being some of them for me.
With all the stupid plastic surgeries and dumb gifts, they probably should have hit rock bottom sooner. They received their fame through being famous, but without having a talent to fall back on there isn't much for them now. And, thanks to Jersey Shore, the masses have turned to something new. Check out this story about their turn for the worst.
What is striking is that they still don't get it. They say they would show up for a reality show in a heart beat if asked.  


  1. They should do what every other normal American must do in the situation where they find themselves unemployed--find another job, go back to school & get an education that will help them find another job, or live off their parents for the rest of their lives.

  2. Agreed, but they'll never do that because they love being an "act" and being on TV .

    It is rather amusing how quickly they burned out.
