Sunday, August 14, 2011

Finally Facebook suggested something right…

Finally Facebook suggested something right…
You know how FB likes to suggest or advertize strange and useless stuff.  I still get a lot of Star Trek and Single Ads all the time.  (Thank you, for reminding me I am single Facebook.) 
However, FB had a friend suggestion on my sidebar that caught my eye.  Actually, it was two things that caught my eye. 
Damn she’s cute. I’m into the more curvy women anyway.  However, what type of profession is she in?  There are a lot of pictures of her in outfits like these?  Does she work for a coyote ugly type bar?  
Two of my FB friends are friends with her.  While I probably won’t send her a friend request, I will marvel at some of those photos.
~Is she British?  She has a Manchester United link in her profile.
~She is into comic books.  Okay, that’s extremely cool.
~Futurama and Tosh.0 are in her listing too.
~She’s into Kick Boxing and Jiu Jitsu.  She likes Grappling.
Holy crap, FB, I might just send her a friend request…but she is into Twilight.  Never mind…
 LA Noire Eh? 

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