Thursday, August 04, 2011

Bubba Smith passes away (Moses Hightower)

 Bubba Smith passes away (Moses Hightower)
I know he was a NFL player, but I am not a sports fan. He had a bigger impact on my pop culture roots than sports. He played the character Hightower in the Police Academy movies. He was the tall florist that couldn't drive.
He was one of my favorite characters right along with Larvell Jones and Tackleberry (Who passed away a few years ago too). I had recently watch most of the Police Academy movies online, and I have to say the first few movies still hold up. And, we know how I feel about that Leslie Easterbrook swimming pool (NSFW).
Anyway, I still laugh every time I see Hightower and Mahoney steal that car from two Lt. Harris stooges. Or when it is actually Hightower that saves the day at the end of the movie.
His co-star Steve Guttenberg had some nice things to say about him. From TMZ, (("Bubba was my friend. His generosity was far larger than his physical stature."

He adds, "Only his gift for caring about his friends and family could compare with his achievements on the 
football field, film and television. He also laughed like no other." ))
It is kind of strange seeing the actors to some of my favorite characters dying out now.
RIP, Hightower

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