Sunday, July 17, 2011

Twilight: New Moon

Twilight: New Moon
The poor directing and bad editing held the first movie down.  While the material that movie was based on wasn’t strong, I thought a better director could fix things in the second movie.  With New Moon, a new director came in to take over the movie in the form of Chris Weitz.  While the second installment is better than the first movie, the movie seems to keep the blandness that harmed the first movie.  And, that is a big problem.  It comes across as boring, while the story makes Bella Swan look like a complete a-hole.
The biggest problem I have with movie is Bella Swan.  Because Edward leaves her, she turns into an extreme emo.  She goes around town doing dangerous things because she doesn’t care about life before her vampire boyfriend left her.  Does this sound like justifiable stuff?  I simply didn’t buy it.
Then, there is the Jacob issue.  She and Jacob (the werewolf) shift from being friends to something more.  Surprisingly, some of this relationship works better than the Edward and Bella one.  Yet, the bad dialogue destroys any goodwill I can give this movie.  Calling the dialogue stilted and wooden wouldn’t properly give you the sense on how bad the script is. 
The script and probably the book seem to not be concerned with making this middle story anything better than middling at best.  This movie is 2/3 boring.  We have to sit through poorly written dialogue for one of the best scenes in the movie. 
The Volturi Scene
Probably the most interesting thing about the movie has to deal with these old vampires that rule over the vampire population.  They are set in their ways and are much older than most of the population.  Director Weitz shows off his strengths with this scene.  Plus, the vampires behave like vampires instead of emo wimps. 
Even the older Dakota Fanning is very chilling in her moment.  She has an evil smirk when she evokes pain with her power. 
The best moment of this sequence is the tour group of humans that have no idea they’re about to become lunch for the Volturi.  Keep in mind there are children in this group too.  We seem them walk pass and then hear screams.  That is a chilling moment. 
These are evil vampires.
Which makes me wonder why the rest of the movie falls back into the badly written storylines.  With the exception of the chilling Volturi stuff, most non-fans will be bored with the movie.  Twilight: New Moon isn’t good, but it is certainly a few marks better than the first movie.
Grade:  C-
 "Yes, I am a cool vampire and this entire scene with us 'cool' vampires is the best thing about the movie. "
 Bella:  "Instead of doing anything important, I'll just stand here and hold up this wall.  I am the 'hero' of the movie right? "
 Bella:  “Is there anyway you can find a shirt or something?  And, please don’t show me your “New Moon”.  I fell for that trick with Edward.”

 The entire cast just finished watching the first Twilight film...


  1. I read all the books to see what all the fuss was about.

    I hate Bella Swan. I don't like that all these young girls are reading these books & thinking it's okay to mope around for MONTHS because your boyfriend broke up with you. Bella's 17 for cryin' out loud, there will be PLENTY of boys for her to date in the future.

    My favorite vamp-involved human is Sookie Stackhouse from the Charlaine Harris novels (True Blood on HBO). Sookie is a real woman who has no problem putting her foot down when guys are being douches, regardless of whether they are scary-ass vampires or not.

  2. Yeah, Bella Swan seems to only be an observer and not exactly an active character. Sookie is very much an active character and a stronger person than Bella Swan.

    I have to wonder if these girls like having these men fighting over Bella. And, having Bella do nothing.

  3. Anytime an author pours her imagination into a story that captures the minds of human beings the way this story has its incredible. It’s the same with a Director; Chris Weitz was amazing in his work with New Moon showing his skill with every passionate moment in the film. There was a necessity for the type of directing needed with this film but there was more to it than just a director calling the shots. He put his soul into each scene and created exactly what the actors and the film needed to be the best of all the films yet. From studying his career a little bit I can imagine he was quite at ease taking his time to find the perfect location or shot and not stopping until he found what he was looking for. I've been driven to turn my blog in the Twilight direction as well. I even found a great tool of the trade that works with my fast paced lifestyle. Giving me access to the films and media coverage I need to really study a character beyond what the internet can provide. Since I do need research options I recently got a cool new device called a Sling Adapter from Dish Network for free thru a rebate as it gives me the ability to bring tons of movies with me and my programming package including all sorts of useful material. It gives me access to online features which is filled with tons of entertainment and helpful links. Now yes there are a lot of movies but there are also thousands of TV episodes as well and scheduling of DVR events remotely if need be. My work for Dish Network requires a bit of travel which takes me away from my two hobbies; a blog which focuses on the lead character in a movie adapted usually from a book and the actor during that point in his life and ties the two together Then there is love for music composition which as been a part of my life since I was 4 banging out old school rock riffs. Having my iPad and my Sling gives me access to a lot of the research material I need which I can watch while I travel covering the rest of the material during my travels as well. When I get home then I write and jam with my band that are so accommodating to my schedule, I love them for it! My blog members seem to be able to tell that there has been extra work put into what’s posted which really makes me happy since that elaborates our discussions. I really was hoping to see Chris Weitz recalled for the final films but was not surprised when he was not, let’s hope these last films have the passion and aggression required to appropriately recount the story as it was originally written.

  4. I have heard lots of negative comments on the actress Bella Swan, they said that her acted in the four parts of the film with only one scared facial expression; But i thought that we should show some understanding to her as she was a very freshly actress at that time
