Monday, July 25, 2011

Superhero Update: Captain America Random Thought

Superhero Update: Captain America
I saw the new Captain America movie today, and I loved it. I will be writing a review in the coming days, but I wanted to bring up this little movie nerd reference in the film.
There is clearly an Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark reference in the movie. The Red Skull complains about Hitler running around the desert looking for “trinkets”.
While Hitler did do that in real life history, this remark is a clear nod to Joe Johnston working on Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark. Johnston worked on IJ as an art director. (Plus, SW Episodes IV-VI and BSG)
It was a nice touch that I am sure most people wouldn't get. 


  1. The nerdpocalypse is coming! The Geek shall inherit the earth, and I see the signs everywhere...!

  2. Lol, hell yeah.

    Did you see the movie yet?

  3. Not yet...I usually end up spending my fun money on books rather than the movie theater. But this might be one that makes me dish out the dough for a theater run.

  4. Get a matinee screening, and I think you will enjoy it. Make sure to sit through the credits for a special trailer.
