Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Rupert Murdoch pied? (The guy actually tweeted about it, sigh)

Rupert Murdoch pied?
Man, I love the face his wife jumped in and gave the guy a hand slap. Then she proceeded to fall to the floor. Look, you have to give his wife credit for standing up for her guy, even if he looks like a toad.
Apparently, the pie thrower actual twitted about it before doing it. Twitting about your attack pretty helps them put you in jail...then again having you on tape is another thing. The pie thrower has a political blog that he doesn't update much. Maybe more blogging about political issues and less tweeting is better for you because you're not limited to 150 characters.
While I think Murdoch (not the character from The A-Team) deserves a pie in the face, it takes the attention away from the actual hearings.

Look at his wife, ready to pounce on any hipster or liberal.  
It looks like Mr. Marbles got some of the blow back. 

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