Monday, July 11, 2011


One of the coolest things about FF8 was the random GF in the form of Odin.  He would randomly show up in normal battles and instantly kill most of the enemies.  In order to get Odin, you had to attack him, but he gave you a time limit.  And he would instant kill you if you didn’t finish the job. 
He would never show up in Boss fights, except for the one in the video above.  And he dies in the only Boss battle he shows up in.  I also like that this paves the way for the much cooler Gilgamesh.  Gilgamesh will enter boss battles. 
It is strongly hinted at that the Gilgamesh from FF:IV is the same character in FF8.  The FF Wiki states that there was a dimensional rift opened by Odin’s weapon.  I also think the Gilgamesh from FFXII might be the same character too. 

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