Sunday, July 10, 2011

Kristen Johnston Vs. Octomom: Fight!

Kristen Johnston is now my hero
From time to time, I will sit in a restaurant or other places of business, and come across some parents that let their children be disruptive and loud.  There’s this strange thing with the parents believing it’s cute. 
I’m all for children being children but I am single and don’t have a flock of my own, so that should give me the right not to put up with your children.  I’m sure my opinion will change if I ever decide to have children, but how many times has a child or baby ruined a theater experience for you?  How about that flight between cities? 
Kristen Johnston, some actress from 3rd Rock from the Sun, had enough of a certain Octomom and her babies.  Johnston was on the same flight as Octomom and her children.  Johnston, like me, had enough and confronted Octomonm over her loud children. 
From MSN, ((According to reports, when Johnston complained about the noise and asked the multi-mom to keep it down, Octomom is said to have snapped back, "How would you like me to keep eight 2-year-olds quiet?" To which Johnston responded, "Get more help!"))
So, what was Octomom’s comeback? 
((Then Nadya reportedly shouted, "Why don't you grow a baby and get a life!"))
Whoa, smooth move, Nadya.  That’s like a really obese man telling a chubby man to eat more food and get a life. 
I think Johnston was in right.  However, this will turn into backlash against her, because parents will side with Octomom in this situation.  “You don’t have children, so you don’t understand.”  Johnston will have to make a public apology (via Twitter?). 
But for right now, she is my hero. 


  1. I agree! Too many parents don't know how to discipline their children correctly so they DON'T do bad behavior in public.

    And sadly I think you're right about the public defending Octomom in this instance :(

  2. I'm already starting to notice the backlash toward Johnston in web site comments. She mind just sit this one out, but I think Octomom will use this to her full advantage
