Saturday, July 16, 2011

Cute Mugshot: But the story behind it is amusing

Well, she's cute right?
The blog Calvin's Canadian Cave of Cool has those posts with really cute girls in mugshots, usually smiling. I figured I wanted to add my local flavor to the mix with a Louisville arrest. She seems very pleased with herself. She was thinking, I can't wait to tweet about this. Oh, wait I am in jail.
And, why is she doing the Duckface like she's taking a Facebook picture?
The smiling lady above it seems was being questioned by the police about drugs when she proceed to drop her pants and panties in front of them!
The area she was arrested in is an area I ride my bike in, but not on this day...sadly. 
I wonder if she's single?  

The area she was arrested in is...interesting to look at.

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