Tuesday, July 05, 2011

A comic...with a twist. Nerd love...

I wish I could say this wasn't true, but I'd be lying. Yep, this sums up everything about the fanboy world...the twist that is. 
 While I was writing this post, this reminded me of MC's post about the awkward encounters with the female kind. Make sure to check out the video he's linked in his post. The only thing I'll say is similar is I've heard this phrase “I only see you as a friend”. She told me this after getting to “first base”. Yeah, thanks for letting go to salad bar, but not the rest of the buffet.
This is the bane of every nerd and geek guy. However, guys have to listen to themselves.
I've never went after a girl as hard as these nerds on this funny blog devoted to those encounters that MC discovered. The blog is called Fat, Ugly or Slutty.   
Forever Alone...


  1. See, I don't understand why dudes have to act that way.

  2. Yeah, there is a strange disconnect i guess from not being around people. There is a guy at work that acts the same exact way. I just want to tell him to get a grip

  3. Maybe it's the fact that they're not face-to-face that emboldens them?

  4. Problem so, they're in the Lvl 78 warrior mindset.
