Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Casey Anthony “Not Guilty”

 Casey Anthony “Not Guilty”
I just read the news. While I've been sickened by the sheer nonsense the case has turned into, I was interested in the way the defense switched the story around. They made the parents the enemies and created this strange relationship with her brother. I guess there was enough crazy stuff with her family to put doubt into the jury.
The biggest problem I have with Casey Anthony is the way she reacted after her child went “missing”. She was photoed partying and having a good time.
From USA Today, ((The Florida mother accused of killing her 2-year-old daughter partied, promoted nightclub events and even entered a swimsuit contest around the time the toddler disappeared, and the woman never appeared worried, depressed or angry, according to testimony Wednesday. ))
After doing such a horrible thing, she just behaved like nothing happened.
Can we at least make sure she never has another child?
Also, be prepared for the numerous books on the subject and probably one “written” by Casey Anthony herself. Well, she is free and she can go back to partying like her daughter never existed.

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