Tuesday, July 19, 2011

About that pie throwing guy...

 About that pie throwing guy...
Make sure to check out his blog, the most recent post, which was in February and discover some rather amusing comments left on his post. They pretty much sums up what I feel about Mr. Marbles. By making an ass of yourself, you take away from the issues you support. If you're going to do some stunts, at least make it funny. A pie is the face is very old and unfunny.
At least you could taken a steamer on his table at least. Poop never goes out of style. But a pie? What's next a knock-knock joke?


  1. I think the wife would have been on Marbles even faster if he had stopped to dookie him instead of hitting himm with the pie.

    But then again, why not dookie IN the pie & then faceplant him? That's a win-win to me!

  2. that could work.

    Yeah, the wife moves fast. I think she saw him coming before anyone else did.

    I guess the flaming poo trick could work.
