Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Weird Al’s Perform this Way

 Weird Al’s Perform this Way

Okay, I am officially freaked out by this music video.  By having Weird Al’s face CGI onto a woman’s body, this video has guarantee that I will have numerous nightmares.
The music video is brilliant, and the lyrics are just great.  It is a total and complete bash against the way Gaga uses the media to stir up controversy.  Al gleefully (pun intended) sings about the various goofy things Gaga has done over the years. 
This is Al going back to his roots from the 80s with “Eat it”/”Fat” and others from that era.   I’m even surprised how far he goes with the bashing/parody.
Oh, yes Weird Al even goes for the Madonna criticisms that Gaga has been accused of lately.  He even dresses in the Madonna outfit and has a Madonna (near-look-a-like) show up.  And, I know why Gaga didn’t want this song released.  There is a point when a singer says, “Express Yourself” in the song.  (1:50 mark)
And, I still believe it wasn’t Gaga’s management team that originally knocked down the parody, it was Gaga.  I think the lyrics hit a little too on the mark for her.  I don’t believe Gaga has a sense of humor about herself like other artists…like Michael Jackson or Madonna.  Heck, even George Lucas loved his movie parody song.   You can blame it on your management all you want. 
Anyway, I think Weird Al does Gaga better than Gaga in some parts of the song.  I love the video and the song.  Well done, Al. 
Grade:  A-
-Listen for the Wilhelm Scream.
-I love the nun outfit.

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