Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Random Things

Random Things
~Paul Revere rebooted?: Once again either Palin is a complete idiot or marketing scholar. She seemed to totally screw up the history of Paul Revere as if you was just making up shit as she went along. He was a rider warning people that the British were coming not to warn the British. Now, she is standing firm on her wrong facts. Stop making an ass of yourself, Sarah. People were trying to change Wikipedia after her flub, and Wiki locked the page because of it.
Palin has rebooted history...
~The Rock joins GI Joe II movie: I think this is a smart move by the people behind the movie. The movie is kind of a reboot in a manner of speaking. The movie has a different director and most of the cast has been replaced.
~Fat Cop vs. thug: Interesting enough the video shows that fat cop actually overpowers the thug. What I don't understand is why there weren't any other cops around when this cop was booking him?
~So, this is how TSA can get into your locked luggage: This is pretty clever. Clever indeed.

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