Monday, June 27, 2011

Nerd vs Creepy Nerd

Nerd vs Creepy Nerd
In the library café, there is a black nerd with in a scarf (in the summer?) and horn-rimmed glasses in a heated argument with a redheaded nerd.  They are taking about politics, and it is rather amusing hearing the black nerd calling him a fringe character.  In addition, the Black Nerd ™ is saying some rather racist things about Arabs.  
Did I mention that the black nerd has a squeaky voice?  
The redhead is rather amused by the guy’s stances. 
“I can put you in a box.”
“You can’t put me in a box.”
“You seem to be shameful of your political views.”
“You’re a radical.”
“On what planet do you send most of your?” Black Nerd asked.
“Earth,” the Redhead countered. 
Sadly, the Black Nerd will probably never see a woman naked or let alone get to first base because he is so out there.  This guy is literally Steve Urkel in college.  At one point in my life, I would have easily become this guy.  But, I kept my nerd powers in check.  I still have to keep myself in check and not become one of those nerds/geeks that corrects everybody.  Whenever I heard someone not getting the facts right about a movie or TV show, I keep myself from jumping in and correcting them. 


  1. Were they both terribly young? I remember being very full of indignation and correctiveness when I was an "emerging adult" aka fresh out of high school.

  2. yeah, they were both pretty young. Yet, the urker guy dressed like he was in his 50s. I was like that too, and some ways still like that, but I have to keep it in check.

    They even were arguing as they walked out of the library!

  3. Speaking of Black Nerds, you have seen this dude on youtube:

  4. I need to send him a subscribe, but I saw him on a cameo during the Nostalgia Chick's video

  5. I'm going to send him a sub, I need more reviews and comments to watch
