Sunday, June 12, 2011

Lesbian, Arab blogger turns out to be a married American living in Scotland…wait, what? (Tom MacMaster)

It appears a guy started a blog called “A Gay Girl in Damascus”, very original, and started making up fictional stories about the troubles of being a lesbian in Syria.  Because it was a blog, it was updated on a regular basis with tons of followers.   
Tom MacMaster, the guy that wants to be a lesbian I guess, turned the story into a serious drama with his female character getting arrested.
From the Guardian, ((Then, on 6 June, a post appeared in the name of Amina's cousin "Rania O Ismail", who said the blogger had been snatched by armed men on a Damascus street. The news sparked internet campaigns to release her, until activists in Syria and beyond began voicing doubts.))
Why would you do that? 
After other bloggers did some digging, the dude blogger came clean about the situation.
From The Guardian, (("While the narrative voice may have been fictional, the facts on this blog are true and not misleading as to the situation on the ground," the update read. "This experience has, sadly, only confirmed my feelings regarding the often superficial coverage of the Middle East and the pervasiveness of new forms of liberal Orientalism.)) 
You are part of the problem.  By making a fictional account of the cause you claim to believe in, it takes away from the attention you claim you were trying to bring to the issue.  Now, people are no longer going to talk about the gay rights of people in the Arab world, but they are going to talk about the fake story you created instead.  You are the “Charlie Sheen” of the issue now.  The people that you are fighting against can use this story to show the other side as being wackos. 
How about making a real blog about the gay issues surrounding people that live in that area instead? Can you give them a place to voice their thoughts under the safety of an anonymous cloud?   
Mission failed…
This is the same non-sense that another blogger from the right-wing side tried to create with a fake baby and a pro-choice blog. 
Bloggers are being attack for things like this, and it keep us from getting some respect. 
Hey, maybe I can create my own character and get more traffic than I get now.  This fake lesbian blogger might be onto something on the other hand. 
So, this is the Gay Girl in Damascus...She needs a shave. 

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