Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Boat on fire

 Major Fire on the river (The actual news report)
While riding my bike through Louisville, heading back to my car in the Riverfront Park, I saw a huge stream of black smoke rising from the river.  I watched as numerous fire trucks rolled pass me as I rode to my bike. 
Something is burning near or on the river.  I just hope it isn’t my car, but knowing my luck, I thought. 
When I got to the Riverfront, I came to discover that the fire was coming from a houseboat.  By the time I watched the houseboat floating around still flaming up, there was nothing left of the top portion of the boat. 
The smoke turned from black to white and started to roll onto the land near the onlookers.  About ten firemen started to move people out of the area. 
It looks like the owner of the boat was inside Tumbleweed eating when it went up in flames.  I guess she came out lucky that she wasn’t inside the houseboat when it happened. 
Photos from Courier Journal


  1. You'd think a houseboat would be more immune to fire...

  2. Yeah, I'm wondering if someone set fire to it from land.
