Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The 15 Worst Superhero Movies list (Part 3)

5. Jonah Hex

Jonah Hex: This is how not to make a comic book movie.  Even after the hits from Batman Begins and The Dark Knight, WB felt the need to completely screw up the movie by making it a strange follow up Wild-Wild West movie.  Somewhere between pre-production to post-production something happened.  A rumor floated around that re-shoots were happening with a different director and that about another hour of the film was cut out of the final cut.  And, that causes the story to be confusing.  Did I mention the DC animated short is ten times better than this?  

4.  Nick Fury: Agent of Shield

Nick Fury: Agent of Shield:  Yes, before the extremely cool Sam Jackson took the part, there was David Hasselhoff.   The movie was made for TV and it shows.  The actually all around is bad.  The fact they thought Hasselhoff would make a great Fury just shows you how bad the movie is.  It was around this time Marvel Comics simply let anyway make their movies.  Think of this movie as Baywatch Nights with an eye patch. 
3.  Fantastic Four (1994 Roger Corman version)

Fantastic Four (1994 Roger Corman version):  I remember reading about this movie in Wizard magazines back in the 90s.  They kind of promoted it in the magazine too.  The movie was rushed into production in order to for the studio to keep the rights to the FF franchise.  The people making the film weren’t aware of this fact despite sheer shitty nature of the film.  It is not even TV level quality from the 90s.  The same studio also made Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer with a bigger budget (over 100 million).  That movie sucked with a budget.  You can watch the Roger Corman FF on the Internet through various means.  
2.  Batman & Robin

Batman & Robin:  Do I need to explain why this movie sucks so badly?  There is nothing redeeming about this movie.  I’ve already ripped this movie enough.  There is a Batman credit car?  “What killed all the dinosaurs?”  Just read the script online to see how stupid the movie really is.   
1.  Superman IV: The Quest for Peace

Superman IV:  The Salkind family sold the rights to Cannon Films, which they were known for their cheap movies.  In turn, this lowered the quality of the new movie.  Reeve didn’t want to another Superman movie, so Cannon Films offered Reeve more creative control.  Reeve helped force the anti-war message into the script, and this is because Reeve shares a “story by” credit.  The movie is pale shadow to the first movie and is actually a poor remake of the first movie.  We get poorly shot action scenes between Superman and Nuclear Man.  All of the special effects scenes are downright laughable compared the first movie.  Heck, I’ll take Superman III over this movie.  At least, that movie tries to make good story.  If you want to see a better-written anti-nuke story, watch the first episode of the animated Justice League show. 


  1. You mentioned in an earlier comment that you missed a certain movie. If you were to insert it, where would it go (aside from up Stallone's ass).

  2. probably number 3, because that is one of the few movies I actually thought about walking out of the theater. But I sat there in a nearly empty theater to watch it.

  3. I actually hear sly's voice when I read that post.
