Monday, May 02, 2011

The Meme of Da Meme

The Meme of Da Meme
I got a kick out of SF's take on the meme he answered, so I decided to take a whack at it too. Because the meme is rather long, I'll separate them in different post.
1. Tell us who the last person that you took a shower with.
Uh, I haven’t.  I wouldn’t be against it as long as it is with someone like Gianna Michaels.  I’m sure taking a shower with her would always be fun. 

2. Tell us about your favorite tee-shirt. Extra points if you show a pic. (We know. What can you do with freakin' extra points?)
I don’t have a favorite T-Shirt really.  I see them as just being a way to cover my horrible body…until I take that show with Gianna Michaels. 
3. Has anyone ever hit on you even though they knew you were taken?
Heck, I can’t even get a stalker let alone someone hitting on me.  Actually, I do have some girls that hit on me, but they’re usually not the girls I’d say are attractive.  I also get a lot of older cashier women hitting on me.  Why is that? 
4. Do you plan what to wear the next day?
Nope, I just slap something one and hope for the best.  I don’t even bother matching my clothes either.  I’m a T-shirt and shorts kind of guy.  Screw style.
5. How are you feeling RIGHT now? Why?
I feel rather indifferent.  I’m usually in an intense bad mood or an indifferent mood.  Rarely am I ever truly happy. 
6. What's the closest thing to you that's black?
I have a lot of darker colors.  I have a few black shirts, and my bicycle is grey and black.  I have a pair of black shorts and shoes.  I love the color of black. 
7. Tell me about an interesting dream you remember having.
I don’t remember them really.  Most of the time they’re about things I’ve discussed or seen in movies.  If I talk about tree frogs, then I’ll dream about them. 
8. Did you or might you meet anybody new today?
Nope, I actually try to avoid meeting people and make it a point to be standoffish whenever possible so they aren’t friendly with me later.  The more people I meet the more I have to fake my way into pretending I know them later. 
9. If you could be doing anything right now (or perhaps after you finish this ridiculous meme) what would it be?
I could be watching Coneheads I guess or Tommy Boy. 

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