Sunday, May 15, 2011

Mac Tonight: That Creepy Moon Face Guy hoovering over the planet...

Mac Tonight: That Creepy Moon Face Guy hoovering over the planet...
While listening to the DVD Podblast mp3, one of the guys mentioned the Mac Tonight guy. I had completely forgotten about this odd character. And, now I realize that Bristol Palin looks like that Mac Tonight guy with that fake chin.
Anyway, Doug Jones (the fish guy from Hellboy) played Mac Tonight in most of the ads.
If you're lucky, your McDonald's might still have some Mac Tonight signs up. Heck, there are still stores that have the full creepy statue of Mac Tonight.
Why did McDonald's think selling food through an evil talking moon was a good idea. Then again, they have a damn creepy-ass clown selling food as their mascot. When I think of fries, I think of a floating moon with sunglasses at night.
Mac Tonight made a comeback as a CGI model in some of the Asian countries.

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