Friday, May 13, 2011

Bristol Palin has a Jay Leno Chin now. Why?

Bristol Palin has a Jay Leno Chin now. Why?
I personally didn't think there was anything wrong with her rounder face. While I don't like Bristol as a person, I am personally into the rounder faces on women. That's just me though. She would have grown out of the rounder face anyway.
Should she have gotten the work done? She's trying to get a stupid reality show going. But, given the money she has, I'm sure she could have taken some time off and gone on some intense workouts to slim herself down a bit other than getting surgery. She's still young, and she's already had work done.
So much for keeping real and connecting with everyday people.
I've never understood how people with normal looks feel the need to mess with their bodies with plastic surgery.
I'm sorry, but that chin looks creepy now.

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