Monday, April 18, 2011

Exodus International app gets an exodus from Apple

There's an app for that? 
Exodus International app gets an exodus from Apple
The Are You Serious podcast guys discussed the notion of an Anti-Gay app for smart phones. Basically, a group calling themselves Exodus International.
I have never understood the feverish nature that many religions have for going after the gay community.  (I’m looking at you too, Scientology too.)  Now, the minds behind Exodus International created an app that shows them that their “Gay Ways” are wrong.  Why would anyone want to download this app?  Why does this sound like those goofy E-Meters? 
Now, I’ve attacked the gay community for attacking the wrong causes and groups, but they got their focus right this time.    It seems the community did just that and went after Apple for having the app in their store.  Apple responded and removed the app. 
But, there is another side to this story. 
(("The folks behind Exodus are perfectly aware of the controversy this app would bring... Exodus wants pressure from gay and lesbian organizations to pull the app so it can prove its point about those mean intolerant gays shutting down anybody who gets in their way." Looks like they got their wish. ))
Yeah, this whole thing does in fact give them a spotlight.  They probably were aware of that too. 
Anyway, after doing some digging on Exodus International, it seems this anti-group has had some problems with its members over the years. EI is supposed to help “cure” the gay lifestyle in gay people. Well, not even their founding members could follow their mandate. The founders (not from DS9) Michael Bussee and Gary Cooper left the Church and became outspoken members against the ex-gay movement.
Using legal threats and bashing its ex-members, why does this Exodus International sound more and more like a certain Scientology Church?

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