Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Theodore Bagwell Crosses over to Breakout Kings!

Theodore Bagwell Crosses over to Breakout Kings!
I got into a discussion with one of my professors about characters crossing over from different shows with me mentioning Detective Munch.  And, now I got a kick out of the fact another one of my favorite characters is added on that list. 
I’m currently watching Breakout Kings On Demand and was surprised to see T-Bag show up in the opening.  He was one of the best things about Prison Break and it is extremely cool that he’s back in true form in this episode.  While he was a terrible person, you kind of liked the guy for his true badness. 
I like the fact that Breakout Kings and Prison Break share the same universe.  Both shows share the same creators, so it wasn’t a huge shock.  However, the show is produced by A&E while Fox produces Prison Break.
Robert Knepper is great reprising his role again.  It is hard to see him as anyone else, but T-Bag. 
-Some character has to explain what “t-bagging” means. 
-T-Bag throws a woman out of a moving car!  And she lives!
-T-Bag kills a lot of people in this episode.  But, he has a reason for breaking out again.  In a twisted way…
-T-Bag throws a guy into a rock grinder.  That was brutal. 
While I’m not completely sold on Breakout Kings, this crossover was a nice touch. 


  1. I am wondering if the reason they switched female cons was they needed someone to bring a bit more violence to the show... since the becoming con artist really wasn't going to deliver on that promise.

  2. I listened to two of the writers on Corolla's podcast say that needed an actress with a bit more of an edge to her and the new woman is darker in tone than the first woman.

    And, you're right the show has gotten darker and violent. Almost to a 24 level it seems.

  3. Well, the second case with the serial killer/rapist/collector was just messed up.

  4. Oh, yeah that was really dark and brutal
