Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Judge Dredd (Comparing the used Jerry Goldsmith stuff to Alan Silvestri)

Judge Dredd (Comparing the used Jerry Goldsmith stuff to Alan Silvestri)
Originally, late composer Jerry Goldsmith wrote a piece of music for the film Judge Dredd. Goldsmith had to leave the project and Silvestri was brought in to do the music for the movie. As the poster for the video has stated, there are certainly some influences to Goldsmith's work in Alan's score.
Also, here is a bonus Alan Silvestri score from the movie Eraser. I really dig this score and it has some similarities to the Judge Dredd score.


  1. I really liked the score for the new one, even though it isn't orchestral.

  2. Yeah, in order to keep cost down they'll use a snyth score instead. Interestingly enough, video game scores are the ones getting the big orchestral stuff.
