Monday, January 03, 2011

Transformers: The Girl Who Loved Powerglide

Transformers: The Girl Who Loved Powerglide
Yes, that title does sound dirty today. 
Here’s the full episode
Ah, the memories.  I would race home from the school bus and watch this show and GI Joe back to back.  And, I remember watching this episode back in the day. 
I never realized that the character of Astoria Carlton-Ritz does have similarities to Paris Hilton.  She has no skills other than being a spoiled brat and she is rich.  Even the TF wiki makes a Hilton joke.  This episode today would probably add the reality show aspect to it. 
The second season episodes generally took a lighter tone than the first season or the darker third season.  Many of the episodes in the second season had the Transformers doing goofy things, like playing football.   This episode was another good example of that tone.
-Astoria really wants to date Powerglide.   Today, she would stalk him on Facebook and Twitter and perhaps hack into his FB profile. 
-I had the toy of Powerglide.  I wish I hadn’t lost him. 
-Spike flirts with Astoria.  What’s with the “There are few things he can’t do” line, Spike?  What were you trying to imply with a children’s cartoon show? 
-Powerglide spills coke on the Conehead jets.  I’ve spilled coke on my keyboard and my PS2 controllers and they got very sticky.  Wouldn’t these robots get a bit sticky too?  Maybe it was New Coke?
-I love Soundwave’s remark at the end.  “What shields?”
-The plot by Megatron is very Cobra Commander-ish
-By the end of the episode, I started to really like Astoria.  We never see her again.  But it would have been nice to see her in the third season 20 years later.  Perhaps, she ended up becoming a responsible CEO and still talked to Powerglide in 2006.  That’s merely fan fiction. 
-Linda Gary:  She is the voice of Astoria.  She should sound familiar to everyone that grew up watching 80s and 90s cartoon episodes.  She worked on pretty much every cartoon show and a bunch of movies during that time.  Sadly, I discovered that she died of brain cancer in 1995 at the age of 50.  A real shame because she was a wonderful voice actress.  

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