Saturday, January 01, 2011

LSU Pizza Girl: Best Freak-out of 2010

LSU Pizza Girl
She just wants them to make the F'ing pizza all ready. Could you imagine having to spend even five minutes with this girl? This happened at a Papa John's on the LSU campus.
There are a few great moments in the video
-Listen to employee say, “Can I help you, sir. Please, can I help you?” You can tell he's had enough of her voice.
-She has an amazing throwing arm. She throws a bag of chips at the dude (James) and hits him.
-James hits her back with the bag of chips.
-She threatens to call the cops! She's the one that attacked him! What kind of logic is that?
Here's a Papa John's Spoof Ad...
Naturally, her freakout has become viral on the Inter-Tubes. She has an amusing listing on the Urban Dictionary. Plus, there's been a story interviewing the Pizza Girl. And of course she's playing the victim card despite the fact she was the attacker. I don't see anyone causing her harm.
From the Daily Reveille, ((told The Daily Reveille that posting the video was mean and has unfairly damaged her reputation. She said her family has also suffered the consequences of the video. ))
By the way, her real name is Sara Reed, as listed in the story. I love how people flip the script and make the story about her being the victim. When you make an ass of yourself in public, you should anticipate people to filming you and mocking you. Uh, wasn't she mean to the employees?
(("My family and I have been verbally harassed with vicious remarks and unfounded accusations, and I have been followed several times by students trying to take pictures," Reed said. ))
Yeah, I know for a fact that there have been pictures of her floating around strolling through campus and in class. I think she shouldn't worry, Internet fame is fleeting.
And, this is the real reason for the freakout. (("I do have a disability, but do not feel it is necessary to share confidential details with the public," Reed explained. ))
Oh, yeah she has a mental problem.
So, who is the bag of chips victim? His name is James Denhollem, and he's interviewed in the story too. He has a Facebook page here. And, here is fan page for the Pizza girl. I'm sure Pizza girl could show up on Tosh 1.0.
side notes
All I want to know is, Did she ever get her F'ing pizza?  


  1. I foresee Aubrey Plaza playing her in a sketch.

    Have you seen her in Scott Pilgrim... especially the Second Cup scene?

  2. I have to rent Scott Pilgrim. I'm waiting for it on Netflix.

    She certainly seems just like the Pizza Girl, except Aubrey is 100 times cuter.

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  4. Oh dude, you have to look up Aubrey Plaza doing Sarah Silverman... it is an awesome impression.

  5. Just watched a 2 min clip with her doing a get version of Sarah. She even got her facial expressions down
